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- A Guide for Parents
- Numeracy Resources to Support Home Learning
- Arithmetic
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- Numbots
- Arithmagicians
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- Letter to Parents
- Useful Links
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- Letters to Parents
- Parent View Questionnaire
- Snowline
- Parent Partnership Agreement Leaflet
- Letters from Minister of State for School Standards
- Secondary Transfer: Year 6 to Year 7
- Local Offer Birmingham (SEND)
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
Arithmagicians is a web-based learning platform which allows pupils, from all key stages, to develop and refine their skills, knowledge and understanding of key declarative facts (KIRFs) across a wide range of number-focused content domains. Arithmagicians is very heavily orientated on number. Currently, it focuses on addition and subtraction, decimal calculation, fractions, percentages, multiplication and division and converting measures. It ranges from Year 1 to Year 6 and is linked to the age-related expectations of the DfE. It provides pupils with a fun and competitive way (gamification) to learn key facts. The pupils are given an Arithmagicians avatar, achievement status and can earn certificates and virtual coins to spend in a virtual shop which motivate pupils to achieve success.
Please click on the link below, which will direct you to the Arithmagicians login page, so your child can practise and learn their arithmetic facts.
Massive congratulations to our first Super Genies!
One week in and they’re calculating answers in under 2 seconds!
You’re truly amazing! Keep up the great work!