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Shaw Hill Primary School’s library is central to children's learning, it enriches their knowledge on a vast range of subjects, relating to both their curriculum and their hobbies. The School Library strives to ensure that children are effective users of ideas and information. We aim for our children to become independent library users, knowledgeable users of information and life-long learners.
The School Library provides materials that promote a love of reading and support the curriculum of the school. We have invested in many books catering for reluctant readers, gifted and able readers, and readers with specific educational needs.
Children have a weekly timetabled library session. During their library session, they can borrow up to 2 books.
The library is kept up-to-date with the latest fiction and non-fiction books in many different formats. We pride ourselves on providing innovative and engaging texts so that even the most reluctant reader can find pleasure in learning. We have comics, graphic novels, newspapers, bi-lingual and picture books so everybody at Shaw Hill can find a book suitable for them.
Pupils also have the opportunity to be a Library Assistant which gives them a chance to learn the ins and outs of being a librarian! They learn new valuable life skills such as respecting books, helping others, book care, alphabetising, organisation and how to keep the library tidy.