Shaw Hill

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing at Shaw Hill Primary School

At Shaw Hill Primary School, we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff.

Our school's approach to mental health and wellbeing is part of a consistent whole school approach to mental health and behaviour.

Why Mental Health and Wellbeing is Important

At Shaw Hill Primary School, we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our whole school community and recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives in just the same way as physical health. We recognise that children's mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement.

We acknowledge that, whilst we come at it from unique perspectives, good mental health and wellbeing is of central importance and essential to our lives. The challenges faced by our children, parents and staff are unique.  

The World Health Organisation defines mental health as:

"Mental Health is not just the absence of mental disorder. It is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community."


Please read our mental health and wellbeing newsletters and website links (below) which provide some useful mental health and wellbeing advice and information to help our families. 

Shaw Hill Primary School: Mental Health and Wellbeing Newsletters

Newsletter 1: February 2022

Newsletter 2: May 2022

Newsletter 3: September 2022

Newsletter 4: February 2023

Newsletter 5: May 2023 including Daanish's 7 Days of Kindness activities

Newsletter 6: September 2023

Newsletter 7: February 2024

Newsletter 8: May 2024

Newsletter 9: October 2024

National Agencies providing mental health and wellbeing support

Better Health: Every Mind Matters

Looking after a child or young person's mental health

There are times when we all feel the strain. As parents and carers, there are ways we can support children and young people to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy.

On this website

  • Top tips to support children and young people
  • Going back to school or college
  • Signs something is wrong
  • Looking after your own mental health
  • Get support



Children and young people's mental health services (CYPMHS) information for parents and carers

If you're worried about a child or need advice and support for coping with anything affecting your child's mental health or wellbeing, there are different ways to seek help.


Mental Health Foundation

We take a public mental health approach to prevention, finding solutions for individuals, those at risk and for society, in order to improve everyone’s mental wellbeing.

The practical things we do

  • Community and peer programmes; we test and evaluate the best approaches to improving mental health in communities and then roll them out as widely as possible.
  • Research; we publish studies and reports on what protects mental health and the causes of poor mental health and how to tackle them.
  • Public engagement; we give advice to millions of people on mental health. We are most well-known for running Mental Health Awareness Week across the UK each year.

Advocacy; we propose solutions and campaign for change to address the underlying causes of poor mental health.


Young Minds

YoungMinds are a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents, making sure all young people can get the mental health support they need.



We are committed to helping children with their mental health. Our approach to children’s mental health means we aim to intervene early to prevent life-long mental health issues.

  • We provide support early to spot mental health problems before they develop and help children cope with challenges throughout their lives
  • We use an effective therapeutic approach which is backed by research and combines several ways of working

We offer a menu of different services, including advice and support for families and school staff, to build resilience and raise awareness of mental health across the whole school community.



Recognising the signs that a child may be struggling with their mental health can be really hard. We've got advice to help you support children who may be experiencing depression, anxiety, suicidal feelings or self-harm.



Mind is the largest independent mental health charity providing services in and beyond the City of Birmingham’s boundaries.

We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

We won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.

Birmingham Mind Helpline – 0121 262 3555 

The Birmingham Mind Helpline provides advice, information and signposting to people with mental health issues, carers, professionals and the general public.

Our call handlers can offer support if you’re feeling low, anxious, worried or in crisis. The helpline is able to support anyone living in Birmingham & Solihull and we welcome calls from friends, family and neighbours who are concerned for others.

Skilled staff assist people to access the support needed on a wide range of issues including health and social care with the view to enhance personal well-being.

The Helpline is open Every Day – 24Hrs a day


MindEd for Families

MindEd is a free learning resource about the mental health of children, young people and older adults.



About Headspace

Headspace was started with one mission: to improve the health and happiness of the world.


Support Services in Birmingham for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Forward Thinking Birmingham

Our new, modern mental health service offers support, care and treatment for all 0-25s through one organisation, making it easier for you to access the right support at the right time.

We're a partnership of organisations that have come together to support children, young people and families in Birmingham. We also work with a number of organisations in the voluntary and community sector.


Birmingham City Council


Mental health support

In these difficult times we have to look after our mental health.

For young people aged 11 to 25 there are forums, guides and counselling available at Kooth.

If your child is 0 to 25 years old and needs support, go to Pause, who provide support for parents and carers who are concerned about their child or young person’s wellbeing or call Pause on 0207 841 4470.

Adults can get support from MIND by calling 0121 262 3555.

For urgent help call Forward Thinking Birmingham on 0300 300 0099.

The Pause service: acts as vehicle for increasing access to information for 0–25 year olds is a one-stop shop for support, advice and guidance for all matters relevant to improving emotional well-being and mental health works closely and proactively with a range of Forward Thinking Birmingham pathways as a delivery point, and works in partnership with other multidisciplinary support services.


Please find some more useful information below at these links:

Mental Health and Wellbeing for parents and carers

Mental Health and Wellbeing for pupils