17th Feb
14th Apr
26th May
Related Pages
- History of Shaw Hill
- Mission Statement
- Shaw Hill Staff 2024-25
- Shaw Hill Governors
- Governor Profiles
- Governor Category
- Governor Committees, Roles and Responsibilities
- Governor Minutes
- Governing Board Register of Interests 2024/25
- Promoting British Values
- Policies (including all updated safeguarding policies)
- Safeguarding
- Childline
- Coronavirus
- Prevent
- Operation Encompass
- Safeguarding Policies
- Designated Senior Lead
- Accessibility Plan
- SEND Support
- SEND Policy
- SEND Information Report
- Ofsted Report
- Pupil Premium
- Standards and Achievement
- DfE School Compare Performance Tables
- SIP Priorities 2022/25
- Sports Premium
- Attendance
- School Information
- Uniform
- School Times
- House Systems
- Admission Arrangements
- Privacy Notices
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Shaw Hill Governors
The school has reconstituted the governing body- effective from 9th December 2014.
We are extremely happy to have our new governors on board and look forward to an exciting new chapter in our schools continuing journey of improvement.
The term of office for all categories of governor is a fixed period of four years, but the Head teacher stops being a governor when the position which entitles them to be a governor comes to an end.